Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Pythagoras of Samos Biography

Pythagoras of Samos Biography Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician and rationalist, is most popular for his work creating and demonstrating the hypothesis of geometry that bears his name. Most understudies recall it as follows: the square of the hypotenuse is equivalent to the total of the squares of the other different sides. Its composed as: a 2 b2 c2. Early Life Pythagoras was conceived on the island of Samos, off the shore of Asia Minor (what is presently generally Turkey), around 569 BCE. Very little is known about his initial life. There is proof that he was knowledgeable, and figured out how to peruse and play the lyre. As an adolescent, he may have visited Miletus in his late young years to concentrate with the scholar Thales, who was an extremely elderly person, Thaless understudy, Anaximander was giving talks on Miletus and potentially, Pythagoras went to these talks. Anaximander took an incredible enthusiasm for geometry and cosmology, which impacted the youthful Pythagoras. Odyssey to Egypt The following period of Pythagorass life is somewhat confounding. He went to Egypt for quite a while and visited, or if nothing else attempted to visit, a large number of the sanctuaries. At the point when he visited Diospolis, he was acknowledged into the brotherhood in the wake of finishing the customs fundamental for affirmation. There, he proceeded with his training, particularly in arithmetic and geometry. From Egypt in Chains Ten years after Pythagoras showed up in Egypt, relations with Samos self-destructed. During their war, Egypt lost and Pythagoras was taken as a prisoner to Babylon. He wasntâ treated as a wartime captive as we would think of it as today. Rather, he proceeded with his instruction in arithmetic and music and dove into the lessons of the clerics, learning their sacrosanct rituals. He turned out to be incredibly capable in his investigations of arithmetic and sciences as instructed by the Babylonians. A Return Home Followed by Departure Pythagoras in the long run came back to Samos, at that point went to Crete to read their legitimate framework for a brief timeframe. In Samos, he established a school called the Semicircle. Inâ about 518 BCE, heâ founded another school in Croton (presently known as Crotone, in southern Italy). With Pythagoras at the head, Croton kept up an inward hover of supporters known as mathematikoi (ministers of arithmetic). These mathematikoi lived for all time inside the general public, were permitted no close to home belongings and were exacting vegans. They got preparing just from Pythagoras, following extremely exacting rules. The next layer of the general public was known as the akousmatics. They lived in their own homes and just went to the general public during the day. The society contained the two men and women.â The Pythagoreans were a profoundly clandestine gathering, keeping their work out of open talk. Their inclinations lay in math and regular way of thinking, yet additionally in transcendentalism and religion. He and his inward circle accepted that spirits moved after death into the assortments of different creatures. They felt that creatures could contain human spirits. Therefore, they considered eating to be as cannibalism.â Commitments Most researchers realize that Pythagoras and his adherents didnt study science for indistinguishable reasons from individuals do today. For them, numbers had an otherworldly significance. Pythagoras encouraged that everything is numbers and saw scientific connections in nature, craftsmanship, and music. There are various hypotheses ascribed to Pythagoras, or possibly to his general public, yet the most celebrated one,â the Pythagorean hypothesis, may not be totally his innovation. Clearly, the Babylonians had understood the connections between the sides of a correct triangle in excess of a thousand years before Pythagoras found out about it. In any case, he invested a lot of energy chipping away at a proof of the theorem.â Other than his commitments to science, Pythagorass work was basic to space science. He felt the circle was the ideal shape. He likewise understood the circle of the Moon was slanted to Earths equator, and found that the night star (Venus) was equivalent to the morning star. His work impacted later space experts, for example, Ptolemy and Johannes Kepler (who defined the laws of planetary movement). Last Flightâ During the later long stretches of the general public, it collided with supporters of vote based system. Pythagoras reproved the thought, which brought about assaults against his gathering. Around 508 BCE, Cylon, a Croton honorable assaulted the Pythagorean Society and promised to wreck it. He and his adherents oppressed the gathering, and Pythagoras fled to Metapontum. A few records guarantee that he ended it all. Others state that Pythagoras came back to Croton a brief timeframe later since the general public was not cleared out and proceeded for certain years. Pythagoras may have inhabited least past 480 BCE, potentially to age 100. There are clashing reports of the two his introduction to the world and demise dates. A few sources think he was conceived in 570 BCE and kicked the bucket in 490 BCE. Pythagoras Fast Facts Conceived: ~569 BCE on SamosDied: ~475 BCEParents: Mnesarchus (father), Pythias (mother)Education: Thales, AnaximanderKey Accomplishments:â first mathematician Sources Britannica: Pythagoras-Greek Philosopher and MathematicianUniversity of St. Matthews: Pythagoras BiographyWikipedia Altered via Carolyn Collins Petersen.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Georges T-Shirts free essay sample

Georges T-Shirts Synopsis: George Lassiter was a venture engineer for a significant protection contractual worker. He had an intriguing side business of assembling and structuring T-shirts for live performances, games, and raising support occasions. George offered the shirts to his standard group of merchants for $100 per dozen, and these sellers sold people in general for $10 per shirt. He needed to sell his shirts on a stage performance that would have been held in two months. He was certain that 20,000 tickets for the standing territory around the stage would be purchased by gave fans, yet he didn't know of the quantity of individuals who will go to the show, and the level of the participants who will purchase the shirts. George thought as far as three prospects explicitly 80,000, 50,000 and 20,000 thousand seats which he thought to be high, medium and low separately. The likelihood of 50,000 was as likely as both of the two prospects joined. We will compose a custom paper test on Georges T-Shirts or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Also, 80,000 and 20,000 were about similarly likely, or 80,000 was more probable than 20,000. He additionally thought with respect to his plans and nature of the shirts, his deals could be 10% (around multiple times out of 10), five percent, or fifteen (1 break of 10) percent of the participation. George mentioned a quote of shirts flexibly which is introduced in the underneath table: Order Size Cost 10,000 $32,125 7,500 $25,250 5,000 $17,750 1. Standing Area Attendance 20,000 2. Deal Price to George from Concert Sales: $100 per Dozen or $8. 33 for each T-shirt 3. Deal Price of extra T-shirts to limit garments chain $1. 50 Per T-shirt Georges Predictions Item/Option Qty Probability Grandstand Attendance-High. Show off participation Medium 50,000 0. 5 Grandstand Attendance-Low 20,000 0. 2 Percent of Concert-goers to purchase Shirt-High 15% 0. 1 Percent of Concert-goers to purchase Shirt-Medium 10% 0. 6 Percent of Concert-goers to purchase Shirt-Low 5% 0. 3 Objectives: 1. To discover what number of individuals will go to the show? 2. To discover what number of individuals will purchase T-shirts? 3. To figure the monetary results of these three situations. 4. To augment the benefit. Choice Problem: what number shirts to arrange for the up and coming stage performance? Options: The potential choices are 10,000, 7,500 and 5,000 shirts. The choice will influence the expenses and incomes produced from the offer of the quantity of shirts. The income will be influenced by the deal cost and deals volume. The business volume is thus influenced by the quantity of participants at the show.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

9 Good Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

9 Good Questions to Ask in a Job Interview A job interview might sometimes feel like an interrogation but it is in no way intended to be like that. In fact, a good job interview is not just a QA session for the employer about your skills and qualifications. It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and impress the interviewer with your inquisitive mind.At the end of the interview, the interviewer will often throw the ball in your court and ask you if you have any questions. It’s important that you don’t say ‘No’ but ask a few insightful questions that not only help you learn more but also tell the interviewer more about the reasons you’re right for the job.Indeed, asking questions in a job interview is important for three key reasons:It helps you learn more about the company and the role. This will help you decide whether the company culture and the role are right for you and your career path.It allows you to clarify your own strengths and weaknesses. When you are asking questions, you can use them as an op portunity to highlight your strengths for the role or indeed use the opportunity to understand what worries the employer might have in terms of hiring you.It makes it easier to show expertise and enthusiasm towards the role. Questions will look professional and they allow you to show how you’ve done your research â€" your thirst for knowing more is a positive sign for the employer that you actually care about the role.So, you know now that questions are expected and beneficial to ask in a job interview. What should you ask then? There are nine questions in this post that are worth considering when preparing for a job interview. Before we examine them, let’s briefly consider the reasons they are good.A good question â€" and something all the below nine questions are â€" has three characteristics: Your question should always be based on things you know. Good questions are not obvious or assuming â€" they are based on a certain level of information and are there to clarify or learn more.Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, you need to use the questions to showcase your own talent and to dig deeper into why you’re such a good pick. But you shouldn’t make your questions too easy or meaningless â€" you’ve been asked tough questions and it’s OK for you to do the same. You just have to be polite!So, let’s see what are the nine questions you should ask in a job interview.QUESTION #1: HAVE I ANSWERED YOUR QUESTIONS WELL OR WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO CLARIFY SOMETHING?It’s a good idea to give the interviewer the chance to ask for clarification. They might do this during the interview automatically but asking the question will be beneficial for you in two ways. First, it allows you to get an insight into how well the interview is going. If the interviewer lists a bunch of things for clarification, you know you have some work to do. You can focus on clearing up misunderstandings or pointing out the strengths in a more obvious way. It’s an opportunity to have a second chance at nailing those questions.But there is another benefit to the question. It also forces the interviewer to think and take note. The questions will make him or her think carefully how well the interview is going and what are those big issues he or she might have. Indeed, it might make him or her think how well you are actually doing and what a good candidate you seem to be for the role.QUESTION #2: DO YOU HAVE ANY HESITATIONS ABOUT MY QUALIFICATIONS?This is quite a gutsy question to ask but that’s what makes it a great question to ask in a job interview. It shows your willingness to discuss your strengths and, more importantly, your weaknesses openly.Now, it allows you another chance of seeing how well the interview is going. You get another chance at redeeming yourself and showing that y ou’re actually a good fit and the worries the interviewer has are just worries, not problems. You can use the opportunity to remove doubt â€" to show those gaps in your work history are not as dramatic because you used the time to study and grow as a leader, for example.QUESTION #3: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE THE PERSON IN THIS POSITION TO ACHIEVE IN SIX MONTHS/A YEAR/FIVE-YEARS?You should also ask something about the position you are applying for. This is to help you understand more about the expectations of the role. Asking about the expectations will help you identify what kind of tasks are ahead of you and how you will be able to measure success. It will not just prepare you for the role but also helps you understand whether you find the job interesting and challenging. If it seems like there are no expectations, you might not feel like the company culture is supportive enough, for example.The question will also give you an opportunity to point out your fit for the role. For example, if the answer talks about the desire to improve their customer retention, you can mention your previous achievement in this and say how you look forward to using those skills in this role.Now, the question regarding the expectations will also tell the interviewer you are interested in succeeding in your role and in helping the business succeed. By showing your interest in understanding the expectations, you show willingness and enthusiasm to actually succeed in the role.QUESTION #4: WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN THIS POSITION?Of course, you shouldn’t just focus on the positive expectations and aspects of the job. No role will just be sunshine and rainbows. You will show a lot of professionalism and determination by asking about the challenges.Now, the question will give a more realistic picture of the role. It helps you see past the marketing speech and perhaps understand whether you are up for the challenge. This is, indeed, the second aspect of asking this quest ion. To help you identify how your strengths and skills would help you overcome those challenges and excel in this role.QUESTION #5: WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES TO EXCEL IN THE ROLE?This question is another good way of learning more about the company culture. The answer will help you understand what qualities and characteristics the company and the team value the most. For example, if it’s your ability to take initiative, then you know they want someone who isn’t afraid to take responsibility.It’s another question aimed at learning more about the role and the company. It helps you evaluate whether you would fit the organization and if you even want to â€" perhaps you start noticing an emphasis on doing it on your own and you are more interested in finding a team to work with.The question will also give you a chance to prove your worthiness. You can answer by pointing out how you’ve been focused on improving this aspect in your work life or point out to an achieveme nt that should help you excel in the role.QUESTION #6: DOES THE COMPANY OFFER FURTHER TRAINING AND CONTINUED ACCESS TO EDUCATION?This question is a clever way of seeing if your career path aligns with what the company has an offer. It’s also a great way of showing your professionalism and interest in developing your skills further â€" and helping the company succeed as a result.Firstly, the question does help you learn about your future in the role. If the company offers now training, then it probably isn’t a good choice for someone who is interested in moving fast on the career ladder. On the other hand, if the interviewer lists a range of opportunities, you can guarantee to have a more fulfilling and challenging future ahead.But as mentioned, you also showcase your interest in developing your skills. It makes you look more professional â€" to be interested in knowing how to gain new skills is always a sign of a hardworking individual.If you want, you can tie this question in w ith another one relating to the history of the position. It can be worth asking, “How has this role changed in the past?” to get a better idea of what it would mean for your career. Has the role evolved? If it’s constantly changing, it might not always be such a good thing. However, you also don’t want a company that is afraid to tweak and adapt.QUESTION #7: WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST IN WORKING FOR THE COMPANY?Your questions shouldn’t just be about the role. You can also learn about the company culture by asking the interviewer what he or she enjoys about the company. Their answer will reveal a lot about the company culture.It also helps you to create a more personal connection with the interviewer. It turns the situation into a less stressful and formal â€" helping you bond with the interviewer on a more personal level.Now, it’s important to remember here the interviewer might not actually work for the company. Sometimes companies use an external recruitment agency and the refore, the interviewer couldn’t really answer this. However, you could turn it around and ask, “What do you enjoy the most when collaborating with the company?”QUESTION #8: HOW DOES THE POSITION HELP THE COMPANY MEET ITS OBJECTIVES?You can further your understanding of the role and the responsibilities by asking about the role’s importance to the company. This question will help you see how your role will influence the bigger vision of the organization.By asking about the company’s direction and your possible role in it, you highlight your willingness to work for the greater good. You show a level of teamwork â€" working to help the company do better, not just your team. It shows you’re not there just to pick a pay check but to achieve together with everyone.But you’ll also learn whether your career goals align with the company’s vision. Are you heading in the same direction?QUESTION #9: IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE ME TO DO AT THIS POINT?At the end of the in terview, you should also ask if you’re supposed to (or able to) do anything at this point of the process. This gives them the opportunity to ask for final clarifications or documents they want to see before making the decision.It can also help you understand the process â€" are you supposed to contact them or will they call you/email you and so on. You will be more on top of the next steps and the timeline in terms of finding whether you’ve been selected or not. It could even help you in writing a follow-up note.Asking this question is polite but it also shows enthusiasm. You are not just walking out of the door but you want to know what happens next. It reinforces to the interviewer that you are serious about the role, confident you did well and eager to get started.THINGS YOU MUST AVOIDQuestions are always great because they show initiative and enthusiasm. Whether you ask the exact above questions or not doesn’t necessarily matter. As long as you have things to ask and you†™ve done your homework, you will boost your chances by being inquiring. Don’t forget, you are often specifically given the opportunity to ask question â€" if you stay silent at this point, you won’t make a good impression.While all sorts of questions are better than no questions, you still need to remember a few things. There are questions that won’t look professional and this is often down to two reasons:You haven’t properly prepared for the interview and you are asking questions you should already know.You don’t adequately understand or respect the interview and application process.Now, questions in the first group are those that you could answer by examining the company website or reading the job interview. These are questions like “What does the company do?” or “What tasks am I supposed to perform in this role?” If you are genuinely unaware of the answers to these before your job interview, you have some work to do! It’s important to be aware of things like t he company culture, the main vision and history of the company, and the kind of job you are applying to.In terms of the second non-professional questions, you can’t start asking the interview things that assume you have the job in the bag. Things like “Can I take a vacation?” or “Can I change my work schedule?” are wholly inappropriate at this point. You still don’t have to job and even if you did, you don’t clear things like that on your first day.Finally, don’t ever end the interview by asking if you’ve gotten the job. They will let you know â€" waiting is hard but it is the name of the game. THE POWER OF THE QUESTIONQuestions during a job interview are not just something thrown your way. You should also be prepared to ask them â€" to learn more about the role and company, as well as to make your case for being selected.The above nine are good questions to ask in a job interview because they have the characteristics of a good question. They show preparedness, a realistic view of the situation, and a good opportunity to showcase job fit. If you want to make a lasting impression, learn more about the company, and present your strengths for the job better, you definitely want to consider popping these questions during your next job interview.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Trials Of A Christian s Life - 889 Words

â€Å"6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.† As the end of my first semester in college comes to a close I feel blessed that I am able to write about the purpose of trials in a Christian’s life. Within this paper I hope to enlighten those who question the trials and difficulties that God gives us to face. By developing understanding that the reason for trials are to build up and test your faith, to help you mature as a Christian, as well as give new insight to something beyond your current circumstance. Testing of Faith God gives us trials that knock us down to the point that we feel hopeless and the obstacle is far too difficult to overcome. His purpose is not to turn us away from Him, but instead He wants us to seek comfort and strength in Him alone. Strong not only in the Christian faith, but also in Jewish culture, it is stressed that the endurance of testings from God should be viewed as a blessing, and to find joy in them as they express faith in God’s sovereignty. Trials are not meant to create bitterness or anger in a person’s heart. When God gives us trials he has a purpose in mind that pertains only to us. Patience One of the most important virtues of the bible is patience as theShow MoreRelatedConfronting Guilt In Franz Kafka’s The Trial Essay1275 Words   |  6 PagesIn Franz Kafka’s The Trial, Josef K. is guilty; his crime is that he does not accept his own humanity. This crime is not obvious throughout the novel, but rather becomes gradually and implicitly apparent to the reader. 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In his play he uses examples of how tough situations can bring out a person s true self. Using the word crucible has a significance between the characters and title since the definition is a severe trial. In The Crucible John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Giles Corey are characters who illustrate being tested by the Witch Trials. These characters all struggle against

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Yales Five Stage Developmental Model - Ronald Reagan -...

Exercise #4 Social Movements 1) STAGES OF THE CAMPAIGN Using Yale’s five-stage developmental model, identify the stages of Ronald Reagan’s first presidential campaign giving specific examples from history. Give specific attention to applying the stages of a campaign history. Document your sources using APA format. You must use EBSCO or other on-line sources available through Amberton Library. You may also use books available through Ebrary and net library to complete this assignment. These on-line books are available on the library’s on-line resources. Do not try to complete this assignment by using websites for speeches. Yale’s five stage developmental model gives us examples of what should†¦show more content†¦But let our friends and those who may wish us ill take note: the United States has an obligation to its citizens and to the people of the world never to let those who would destroy freedom dictate the future course of human life on this planet. I would regard my election as proof that we have renewed our resolve to preserve world peace and freedom† p. 171. Although his contenders would try to portray Reagan as a warmonger, he repeatedly told voters that it was not his intent to make war but rather to create peace by building superior forces. Legitimacy is the second step in Yale’s model and simply put is being considered trustworthy and believable by your target audience. An example in the text states that a candidate, Larson (2010) â€Å"gains legitimacy by winning his political party’s primary election† p. 285; thus us the case in 1979 when Ronald Reagan won the Republican’s nod as the candidate for president in the election of 1980. In fact, it was more the illegitimacy of the Carter Campaign that helped Ronald Reagan charm voters. Voters that were upset over low employment, the economy, and foreign policy were a driving factor behind the fears Americans felt. Voters were ripe and the Reagan Campaign was there for the picking. Scheele, Henry Z (1981) â€Å"Ronald Reagan benefited in part from the conditions of his times, the unpopularity of the seemingly inept incumbent President, the division within the Democratic Party, and the resurgence of conservative thought in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Do Personality Traits Predict Behaviour Free Essays

Do personality traits predict behaviour? The trait approach to personality is focused on differences between individuals. After type theorists such as Sheldon, who focused on body parts to determine temperament, and lexical researchers such as Galton who provided the first dictionary of words to describe behaviour, the principles underpinning trait theory were first outlined by Gordon Allport (1937). He found that one English-language dictionary alone contained more than 4,000 words describing different personality traits and suggested that it is how the traits come together that produces the uniqueness of all individuals. We will write a custom essay sample on Do Personality Traits Predict Behaviour? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rather than relying on intuition or subjective judgement as did Freud and many other neo-Freudians, trait theorists used objective measurements to examine their constructs. The use of factor analysis was a major breakthrough in the trait approach and Raymond Cattell was the first to make the use of this to reduce the lists of traits to a smaller number. This marked the beginning of the search to discover the basis structure of personality. This essay will discuss the issues surrounding the use of personality measures such as Eysencks personality questionnaire (EPQ) and Costa and Mc Crae’s Big Five model (NEO-PIR) to predict behaviour. Cattell’s 16PF hasn’t had much of an impact but personality measures that followed such as Eysenck’s personality questionnaire, who claimed that 3 types/ supertraits, Extraversion, Neuroticism and Psychoticism, make up the basic structure of personality, and Costa and mc Crae’s Big Five Model measuring Openness, Conscientious, Extraversion, agreeableness and Neuroticism, have received a high level of support. The personality factors are found cross-culturally, in children as well as adults and specifically for Eysencks model in identical twins raised apart, evidence which seems to demonstrate that the observed personality differences are stable across time and have a genetic basis, although the underlying heritability estimate used in studies has been questioned by Plomin. Nevertheless, trait measures have great practical applications; they have been embraced by psychologists from almost every perspective and used by professionals working in a wide variety of settings, such as in the workplace and the education system etc, and are used to make important judgements about an individual’s behaviour in different situations. Employers have used scores from personality tests to make hiring and promotion decisions for many years (Roberts and Hogan, 2000). The methodology used to identify the dimensional structure of personality traits, factor analysis, is often challenged for not having a universally-recognized basis for choosing among solutions with different numbers of factors. More than one interpretation can be made of the same data factored the same way, and factor analysis cannot identify causality. However, some of the most common criticisms of trait theory centre on the fact that traits are often poor predictors of behaviour. While an individual may score high on assessments of a specific trait, he or she may not always behave that way in every situation. This was highlighted by Walter Mischel (1968, 1973) who stimulated a huge debate that raged until the early 1980s, concerning whether personality traits predict behaviour. At the heart of this debate was the questioning of the stability of traits across situations, known as the ‘personality paradox’. He demonstrated with his CAPs model that there is a complex interaction between situations and enduring individual personality differences, however the effects of many variables still have to be examined. Mischel criticised how personality measures were interpreted and used, demonstrating that on average personality measures statistically account for only around 10% of the variance observed in behaviour, therefore 90% is due to something other than the effect of personality. This reflects the fact that many factors contribute to any one piece of behaviour, such as: the characteristics of the specific situation, the person’s mood at that time, competing goals, etc. However an argument in trait theories defence is in regard to the . 30, . 40 correlation co-efficient. How high does a correlation have to be before its considered important? Research by Funder and Ozer (1983) looked at social psychological findings often cited for their â€Å"important† findings and found that they had similar co-efficient of . 36 and . 42. In their defence trait theorists argue that researchers often fail to provide a strong link between traits and behaviour is because they don’t measure behaviour correctly, only measuring one behaviour. As an alternative researchers can aggregate data, one study looked at trait measures of aggression and the number of aggressive acts students preformed, not only on one day but over the course of two weeks and found a correlation of . 1 between the aggregated measure and the trait score (Wu and Clarke, 2003). Burger (2008) states that when all the complex influences on our behaviour are taken into account we probably should be impressed that personality psychologists can explain even 10%. Mischels criticism has had beneficial effects in work settings, with the use of multiple measures of p ersonality such as, psychometric assessments, interviews, individual and group tasks used together as an assessment package to prevent overreliance on the psychometric tool. Furthermore, Mischels views led researchers to look very critically at their methodologies, admitting that measures were often weak and the selection of which traits to study was sometimes inappropriate (Funder, 1999,2001). Today most psychologists agree that the person and the situation react to determine behaviour ( Maggnusson, 1990) and Swan and Seyle (2005) conclude their review on Mischels work by saying that there are still instances where it is helpful to make distinctions between personal and situational determines of behaviour. How to cite Do Personality Traits Predict Behaviour?, Papers

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Changing Corporate Culture at Vodafone free essay sample

French (1982, p. 640) defines Organizational Development (in the following abbreviated OD) as â€Å"long-range effort to improve an organization’s problem-solving capabilities †¦ to cope with changes in its external environment with the help of†¦change agents†. Different from other change approaches, OD focuses not only on parts of a system but rather on relationships and the system as an interconnected whole (Cummings and Worley 2005). OD deals with planned, episodic change but is an adaptive process for planning and implementing change in the same time. Focused on a core set of humanistic, democratic and developmental values (Palmer et al 2009), OD interventions may target changes in the organizational structure, mission, strategy, leadership or culture of a firm and wish to improve organizational effectiveness (Burke and Bradford 2005). All this is the reason why Palmer et al. (2009) use the image of a coach when referring to OD and managing change. The coach, used as a metaphor, understands managing and thus implementing change as shaping capabilities inside a system. We will write a custom essay sample on Changing Corporate Culture at Vodafone or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Possible actions might include the introduction of self-managed teams, quality circles and various methods for implementing and diagnosing change in connection with action research. Change processes in accordance with the image of coach are often pictured using Kurt Lewin’s change process model (Palmer et al. 2009). This model contains the following steps: (1)Unfreezing the context (2)Moving the situation (3)Refreezing the new state. In the following I will use this model to describe implications of the above introduced coach image when managing change. As a company of reference I chose Vodafone, a multinational telecommunications company, which was undergoing a larger change in organizational culture in the mid-1990’s (Eaton and Brown 2002). As explained earlier, the first phase of managing change is meant to unfreeze the status quo and establish the prerequisites for change (Palmer et al. 2009). Speaking in terms of OD, this includes the identification of the problem, subsequent engagement in a collaborative dialogue with an OD practitioner as well as gathering data for an initial diagnosis. According to the managing change image of the coach, classical OD interventions involve the top of the organization and are planned, action-oriented long-term undertakings (Palmer et al. 2009). Referring to the initial situation at Vodafone in the mid-1990s the company was facing an increased competition in the telecommunication market. The Management at Vodafone saw the necessity for a change of corporate culture as the rigid culture of ‘command and control’ management was weakening the ability to remain innovative in their challenging market (Anderson 2011). Knowing about the necessity for a change, Senior Management started an initial dialogue with HR specialists of the firm. As a result of this collaborative dialogue with OD practitioners (Palmer et al. 2009) the company started an intensive assessment and feedback activity with their employees (Eaton and Brown 2002). This was involving employees on different levels in the organization and resulted in more detailed information about the problem in the same time, which enabled the Management to detailed planning of necessary initiatives. The result clearly showed that the current culture was blocking teamwork and mutual accountability and employees wanted to be more included in decision making as well as participate in information exchange (Eaton and Brown 2002). Following Lewin’s model, the second stage is moving and involves the effort to â€Å"new behaviour through cognitive restructuring (Palmer et al. 2009:195)†. After the diagnosis actions are identified and implemented. As Palmer et al. state about the coach image of managing change, â€Å"he relies upon building in the right set of values, skills, and ‘drills’ that are deemed to be the best ones that organizational members, as players, will be able to draw on adeptly in order to achieve desired organizational outcomes (Palmer et al. 2009:31)†. It means the coach image centres on altering attitudes and behaviours to effect the intended change and accordingly supportive should be the actions that are implemented. For Vodafone this meant that a number of initiatives were implemented, including the development of shared values, the introduction of IT systems that shared and exchanged information inter-divisional learning as well as setting up a team-building program (Eaton and Brown 2002). As a major support to all initiatives Vodafone implemented a leadership coaching program. The goal was to teach top manager skills to conduct performance reviews, help employees to set goals, and general team coaching (Eaton and Brown 2002). Managers became change agents and sills training was used to reinforce and accelerate the change initiatives. Yet another advantage of using this method of supporting the transition to new methods was dissemination of information and individual objectives needed to create cultural change were actually carried out (Eaton and Brown 2002). The image of coach to managing change is also partly based on assumptions of group dynamics (Palmer et al. 2009). That means if one property of a system is changed (or trained differently in the case), it will activate connected parts of the system to change as well. According to Lewin’s model, the final step is refreezing the organizational operation again. This takes place after new behaviors have been incorporated into social and organizational relationships (Palmer et al. 2009). As mentioned earlier, managing a change according to the coach image is a long term undertakings. For the case of Vodafone the refreezing phase only was reached after a management of mutual accountability, delegation and empowerment was established (Eaton and Brown 2002). The result of the program became visible and managers began to trust more in teams and these teams started to solve problems themselves because feeling more confident. Palmer et al. (2009) conclude this process by referring to the importance of collecting and appraising post-action data. Even though, the change is implemented as intended, review seminars provide further data on possible follow up actions. Referring to Vodafone review seminars were held a couple of month after the leadership coaching program was finished. As Eaton and Brown (2002, p.287) determine â€Å"cultural change takes time† and â€Å"traditional attitudes to management do not die away overnight†. However, as mentioned previously, the coach image regards changes as affecting an interrelated system rather than only a single, closed entity. It holds high values as growth, self-realization and involvement as well as integrity. Maybe an organizational culture does not change all of a sudden but giving a right foundation to an evolutionary change could make this change more sustainable.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Popular Study Destination

Popular Study Destination France is the country that can be proud of its 90 universities, all of which provide high quality of teaching, comprehensive study, and world-class research, plenty of business schools, research institutes, and engineering colleges. There are also various fields of study to choose from, as well as a great number of specialists and experts in those areas. These and many other features encourage students from all over the world to apply to universities in France. According to The Times Higher Education Ranking, there are 10 best and most respected French universities, which occupy the top positions in world’s charts. Let’s consider each one separately and in detail. École Normale Supà ©rieure Without a doubt, École Normale Supà ©rieure is the best university in France, located in Paris. This institution is a part of the grandes à ©coles  system, which means only students with great impressive academic performance are able to study there. École Normale Supà ©rieure excels in sciences, humanities, research, arts, and culture; offers a diversity of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various subject areas. What is more, it provides efficient career options in academia, government, and culture for the alumni. École Polytechnique (ParisTech) Although École Polytechnique is located in Parisian suburbs and admits only 3,000 students a year, this university is no less popular than the previous institution. Focusing primarily on science, engineering, and technology, this establishment has many courses and facilities to offer. Students of École Polytechnique can enjoy such services like libraries, sports activities, scholarships, student unions, exchange programs, financial aid, scholarships, and others. Pierre and Marie Curie University This university was founded in 1970 and is famous for its big intake (over 34,000 students, 20% international). Pierre and Marie Curie University has eight teaching hospitals, 120 research laboratories, and 16 doctoral schools that make it the biggest scientific and medical complex in France. Apart from medicine, the graduates excel in mathematics, chemistry, and physics. University of Paris Sud Paris-Sud University is a great institution, which admits up to 30,000 applicants including almost 5,000 international students from 130 countries around the world. It has gained popularity thanks to efficient chemistry and physics research, as well as courses in science and mathematics. Paris-Sud University produced Nobel Prize winners, leading academics, and famous business people. Centrale Supà ©lec Being one of the youngest universities in France, Centrale Supà ©lec was formed by École Centrale Paris and École Supà ©rieure dElectricità © in 2015. It offers research and degree programs in science and engineering. The graduates are able to work as entrepreneurs, managers, and on-the-ground engineers. ESPCI ParisTech The School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry (ESPCI ParisTech) was established in Paris in 1882. As a coeducational institution, it provides courses for pre-bachelor degrees (diplomas, certificates, associate or foundation degrees), bachelor degrees, and doctorate degrees. Ecole Normale Supà ©rieure de Lyon This university is thought to be one of the elite establishments in France that teaches humanities and sciences and trains researchers. Founded 30 years ago, Ecole Normale Supà ©rieure de Lyon hasn’t got much popularity yet, but day by day increases the number of worthwhile programs, activities and facilities including internships and scholarships, study abroad programs, sports services, etc. Paris Descartes University In honor of the great philosopher Rene Descartes and his achievements in sciences, this institution provides pre-bachelor, bachelor, master and doctorate degrees in pharmacy, medicine, social sciences, and humanities; some formation and research centers. Sorbonne Paris Cità © Università © Paris Diderot Paris Diderot University is a prestigious and multidisciplinary higher education institution that was founded in 1970 in Paris. Today, it has a big number of undergraduates (at least 25,000 students), more than 2000 experienced educators and researchers, who excel in medicine, psychology, science and humanities. MINES ParisTech MINES ParisTech (or National Graduate School of Engineering) is a small, but a prominent university in Paris. It boasts 18 research centers, partnerships with other institutions and companies, up to 300 research professors, and plenty of successful and satisfied students. Moreover, it is home to the first school for collaborative research.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Free Essays on Duke Elington

The name is monumental in the world of jazz, who else but Duke Ellington would come to mind when thinking of the music that formed the 1920’s and shaped later music to what it is today. Undoubtedly one of the most accomplished musicians of all time and the forefront leader of the jazz world. Duke didn't always have music on his mind though. Duke, Born Edward Kennedy Ellington was born April 29th ,1899 the son of James William Ellington and Daisy Kennedy Ellington. They lived In Washington, moving out of the deep south just prior to Dukes birth to escape failing agriculture and the implementation of the Jim Crow laws. They lived comfortably in the middle class. Duke was given his nickname by his friends and family, and it stuck with him throughout his life. As a child Duke’s family listened to music that had black roots such as ragtime. The family considered jazz something to radical, new and vulgar though for there sophistication so it did not have a strong presence in his early childhood. When Duke was about seven his parents had arranged for him to take piano lessons. This at the time was seemingly not for him as it did not stick long. He would rather spend his free time outside playing sports such as baseball. His first job actually came as a peanut concession sales men for the Washington Senators, this served as a valuable experiance as good practice for the boy entertaining people. Duke’s interest in becoming involved in music developed around the age of thirteen when he realized that music could be used to gain popularity in a growing age of girls and parties. He set off in search of music lessons on his own rather than asking his parents for an instructor who would teach him unimportant things and have him practice them for hours on end, he decided to do things his own way. He began to hang around Frank Holliday’s hang out the Pool Room which was next to the famous Howard Theater. As well as being home to some of the... Free Essays on Duke Elington Free Essays on Duke Elington The name is monumental in the world of jazz, who else but Duke Ellington would come to mind when thinking of the music that formed the 1920’s and shaped later music to what it is today. Undoubtedly one of the most accomplished musicians of all time and the forefront leader of the jazz world. Duke didn't always have music on his mind though. Duke, Born Edward Kennedy Ellington was born April 29th ,1899 the son of James William Ellington and Daisy Kennedy Ellington. They lived In Washington, moving out of the deep south just prior to Dukes birth to escape failing agriculture and the implementation of the Jim Crow laws. They lived comfortably in the middle class. Duke was given his nickname by his friends and family, and it stuck with him throughout his life. As a child Duke’s family listened to music that had black roots such as ragtime. The family considered jazz something to radical, new and vulgar though for there sophistication so it did not have a strong presence in his early childhood. When Duke was about seven his parents had arranged for him to take piano lessons. This at the time was seemingly not for him as it did not stick long. He would rather spend his free time outside playing sports such as baseball. His first job actually came as a peanut concession sales men for the Washington Senators, this served as a valuable experiance as good practice for the boy entertaining people. Duke’s interest in becoming involved in music developed around the age of thirteen when he realized that music could be used to gain popularity in a growing age of girls and parties. He set off in search of music lessons on his own rather than asking his parents for an instructor who would teach him unimportant things and have him practice them for hours on end, he decided to do things his own way. He began to hang around Frank Holliday’s hang out the Pool Room which was next to the famous Howard Theater. As well as being home to some of the...

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Pro & Cons of Social Media Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pro & Cons of Social Media - Assignment Example equires an individual to set business objectives, establish important performance indicators that relate to the objectives and create performance targets to evaluate success. The second stage of the social media measurement process is the definition phase. It requires an individual to make an outline showing how social media platforms could be supplemented to attain a brand target and interact with them to achieve the objectives. Design, is the third phase of the social measurement process. It involves laying out appropriate venues and specific tactics for the brand that will help in establishing an active social media presence. Deployment is the fourth stage and it entails the program implementation and launch, which ensures that accurate data is collected and the program is launched appropriately. Optimization is the final phase of the social media measurement process. It seeks to look at performance drivers and identify opportunities that can assist in adjusting the program for be tter results (Murdough 94). The reach of social media refers to the amount of traffic or the number of people that are accessing the social media platform. It involves monitoring the number of mentions and the characteristics of the authors. Some authors have more influence on social media, therefore, being able to promote the brand effectively when they mention it. Other authors have less influence (Bernhardt, Darren & Amanda 137). Therefore, it is important for the key authors to mention the brand as it will generate more comments and discussions that will promote it. Messages are transmitted across different social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter and MySpace in different ways. Facebook, blogs and discussion forums have room for comments that can be viewed by customers and prospects, therefore, promoting the brand. On the other hand, Twitter offers tweets that can easily be seen by prospect customers when an author promotes the brand (Murdough 95). According to Chris

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Working capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Working capital - Essay Example Accounts receivable analysis is very important for cash is the lifeblood of the company. Accounts receivable must be converted to cash as soon as possible. This is where the AVERAGE COLLECTION PERIOD financial management tool is used regularly. The longer the average collection period, the lesser the liquidity ratio will be. The average collection period is dependent on the accounts receivable customers' ability to pay. To go deeper into the analysis, Ability to pay is dependent on the accounts receivable clients' liquidity. A client that has just lost his or her job will have difficulty to pay your accounts receivable. A customer that has just run away because such customer has not intention of paying you when you will both meet will also affect the average collection period. When the average collection period is decreased, then the availability of the cash will increase liquidity. The increase in liquidity will result to a better financial statement. A better financial statement picture will increase the company's probability for the bank's approval of its long-term loan. It also follows that sales are generated through the use of two methods. Cash sales are the first method of sales generation. Cash is received in exchange for goods that are sold to the company's customers.The second method (credit or account sales) will generate twice or even thrice the total amount of cash sales that the business produces. Are the sales on account Customers are allowed to take home the products they want to buy and the cash payment will be received either a few days or a few months or even a year or more from the customers' actual taking possession of the products sold. It is also common knowledge, from personal experiences since our childhood transactions that not all things borrowed will be returned.Therefore, since some of the objects like books, pencils, bikes, or car, cash and others will be borrowed, we have accept the fact that there is a fine line between borrowers where companies are at risk of not being paid and the borrowers who are of good standing bec ause they pay their monthly dues on time. One of the criteria that the banks and other business institutions approve the sale to clients ON CREDIT is to determine, based on the CREDIT customers' work related data, that there is a probability that the customers will pay their dues on time.Allowance for Doubtful accounts is the accounting title for the estimated amount of accounts receivables from customers, subsidiary companies, branches and others that has a high probability of not being paid. The average collection period is the average length of time that the accounts receivables will not be paid by accounts receivable customers. It is simply the quotient when the total outstand accounts receivable is divided by the average daily sales. Another term for this is the collection ratio. The main headache of the finance director of Raphael limited is that the company had

Monday, January 27, 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of Infrared Touch Screen

Advantages and Disadvantages of Infrared Touch Screen Touch-screen is an electronic visual display that can find the existence and location of a touch inside the display area. The term just like direct to touching the display of the device with a hand or finger. Touch-screens can also fell other passive objects, such as a stylus. But, if the object find is animate, as a light pen, the term touch-screen is usually not applicable. The touch-screen has two main characteristically. First, touch-screen applies one to interaction straightly with what is showed, instead of indirectly with a cursor controlled by a mouse or touchpad. Second, touch-screen lets one do so without demand any intermediate device that would require to be maintain in the hand. This display can be close to computers or to networks as a terminal. They also perform as an outstanding role in the design of digital tackles such as the PDA (personal digital assistant), satellite navigation devices, mobile phone, video games and etc. (Dictionary of Architectural and Building Technology 4 Edition, 2004) History In 1971, the first touch sensor was exploited by Doctor Sam Hurst (founder of Elographics) at the time he was an instructor at the University of Kentucky. He had given this sensor a name, Elograph, been patented by The University of Kentucky Research Foundation. Dr. Sam Hurst (left) the founder of Touch-screen. (Elotouch, 2009) The Elograph was not transparent like modern touch screens; but it was a distinguished landmark in touch screen technology. In 1974, the first really touch screen bring in a transparent surface was exploited by Sam Hurst and Elographics. In 1977, Elographics exploited and patented five-wire resistance technology, the most popular touch-screen technology use today. Touch-screens firstly obtained some visibility with the creation of the computer-assisted learning terminal, which are come out in 1975 as a part of the PLATO project. Soon afterwards, touch-screens have become intimate in daily life. Most of the companies use touch-screens for kiosk system in retail and travel settings, POS system, ATMs system, PDAs, with a stylus is sometimes used to control the user interface or to enter data. The prestige of smart phones, PDAs, portable game console and varies types of information appliances is manipulation the requirements for, and accepting of touch-screens. The first touch-screen on the world, Elograph. (Elotouch, 2009) From 1979-1985, the Fairlight CMI (and Fairlight CMI IIx) was a high-end musical sample and resynthesis workstation that exploit light pen technology, with the user would distribute and control sample and synthesis data, as well as feeder different menu within its OS by touching the screen with the light pen. The latest Fairlight series III models, the place of light pen had used a graphics tablet. The HP-150 from 1983 was the one worlds earliest commerce touch-screen computer. The touch-screen monitor didnt have a touch-screen in the strict sense; while it had a 9 inch Sony Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) encircled by infrared transmitters and receivers, which are controlled by the position of any non-transparent objects on the screen. Until nowadays, most consumer touch-screens can only sense one point of contact at one time, and some had the ability to sense how hard one is touching. This is the time to make changes with the commercialization of multi-touch technology. Touch-screens computer are popular used in hospitality, and in heavy industry, as well as kiosks such as museum displays or room automation, where normal computer input device such as keyboard and mouse do not allow a suitable intuition, fast response, or accurate interactive by the user with the displays content. Historically, the touch-screen transducer and its accompanying controller-based firmware have been made available by a wide array of after-market system integrators, and not by display, chip, or motherboard manufacturers. Display and chip manufacturers worldwide have recognition the tendency in regard to accepting of touch-screens as a highly advisable user interface module and have began to integrate touch-screen feature into the main design of their products. (Elotouch, 2009) Touch-screen Technologies I have read many journals and search from the internet about this topic, and I found that there have variety types of touch screen technology using in different area start from 1971. Below is the type of touch-screen technology. Resistive Resistive touch-screen panel is build up of some layers, the most important layers of the resistive touch-screen panel which are two thin, that is metallic and electrically conductive layers dissociate by a narrow disparity. When an object, like a finger or a light pen, check down on a point on the resistive touch-screen panels outward surface, the two metallic layers will become as a connected at that point: the panel will conducts as a pair of voltage dividers with connected outputs. This is because a change in the electrical current, which is enroll as a touch incident and sent to the controller for processing. Surface acoustic wave Surface acoustic wave (SAW) technology is using ultrasonic waves to pass through the touch-screen panel. When an object like finger or light pen touched the panel, a part of the wave is absorption. This transform in the ultrasonic waves registers the situation of the touch incident and forwards the information to the controller for processing. Surface acoustic wave touch screen panels can be damaged by foreign elements. Pollutants on the surface will be also interfering with the function of the touch-screen. (Touch System 2009) Capacitive A capacitive touch-screen panel constitute of an insulator such as glass, spread with a transparent conductor like ITO (indium tin oxide). As we know, human body also is a conductor, with using human body touch the surface of the screen contents in a distortion of the bodys static electricity part, measure as a transform in electric capacity. Different technologies may be used to define the position of the touch. The position is use to send information to the controller for processing. (I-techcompany, 2009) Surface capacitance Surface capacitance in the basic technology, only have one side of the insulator is spread with a conduct electricity layer. A small voltage is utilized to the layer, effecting in an identical static electricity part. When a conductor, like a humans finger, touches at the uncoated surface, capacitor is the formation of dynamic. The touch-screen sensors controller can define the position of the touch indirectly from the transform in the capacitance as measured from the each nook of the panel. As the surface capacitance has no moving fields, it is moderate degree durable but has finite resolution, is tend to fake semaphore from parasitism capacitive coupling, and requires adjustment during fabricate. Therefore, it is most frequently used in basic applications such as kiosks and industrial controls. (I-techcompany, 2009) Projected capacitance Projected Capacitive Touch (PCT) technology is a capacitance technology which excises more preciseness and quick operational, by etching the conduct electricity layer. An X-Y gridiron is formation whether etching a single layer to form a gridiron method of electrodes, or by etching two part, vertical layers of conduct electricity material with parallel lines or tracks to form the grid (compare to the pixels gridiron found in variety of LCD displays). The greatest resolution of PCT giving permission to manipulate without direct connection, so the conduct electricity layers can be spread with further conservative insulator layers, and running indeed under screen protectors, peradventure back weather and vandal-proof mirror. Proper to the peak layer of a PCT entity mirror, PCT is a better right measure answer to resistive touch technology. Fell back on the execution, an active or passive stylus can used to cover for or in enhance to a human body, finger. This is familiar with POS equipment that demands to the signal that snatches up. Gloved fingers can or cant be perceived, fell back on the execution and obtain settings. Smudginess on the conductor it can impede with the performances. The example of the smudginess on the conductor mostly come from rheumy or sweatiness fingers cusp, especially in high wateriness circumstance. Collected dust, which adhesively on the surface relevant to the hydrosphere from finger cusp also will be a p roblem. The two types of PCT: Self Capacitance and Mutual Capacitance. (Planarembeddred, 2010) Mutual Capacitance The capacitor at every junction of each column and each row, it is Mutual Capacitive sensors. In a 12-by-20 array, for example, it would have 240 self-governed capacitors. Voltage is appliance to each row or each columns conductor. Bringing a human body like finger or conductive stylus contiguous to the exterior of the sensor transforms the local static domain which recede the mutual capacitance. The capacitance transforms at each of the singlehanded conductor on the lattice can be estimate to exactly mensuration the sense the position by determine the voltage in the each datum line. Mutual capacitance empowers multi-touch control where multi-ply fingers, thenar or stylus can be exactly follow up the scent at the same time. (Planarembeddred, 2010) Self Capacitance Self capacitance sensors actually same like mutual capacitance sensors, both of them have same horizontal and vertical grid but the rows and column each is operate autocephaly. Self capacitance can able to load a human body like finger and light pen on each row or each column electric pole by a electrical current meter. The advantages for this method is it able to engender a strongest signal compare with mutual capacitance, but the disadvantages is it cant accurately resolve more than one finger, as a result in ghosting, or mislay position catching. (Planarembeddred, 2010) Infrared The infrared touch-screen uses an array of X-Y infrared light-emitting-diode (LED) and photo detector to match circumambience border of the interface to find out an interrupt in method of the LED horizontal beam. The main advantage for this system is it able to detect basically of any input, comprising a human body, finger, glove finger, stylus or a pen. Infrared touch-screen is ordinary widely used in outdoor application; ATM and point-of-sale (POS) system which are unable depend on a bare finger to activating the touch-screen. Infrared touch-screen is different with the capacitive touch-screens, it doesnt need any fix design on the glass to increasing the durability and optics perspicuity of the entirely system. (I-techcompany, 2009) Strain gauge The configuration of the strain gauge, also known as the strength of panel technology, the screen is spring-mounted at the four corners and strain gauges are installed to determine the deflection during the screen is touched. This technology has been existed from 60 years since the 20th century, but Vissumo and F-Origin have to make new feature in the business possible solution. Strain gauge also able to measures the Z-axis and the strength of a persons touched. This screen is usually used to expose the public system, for example ticket machines due to its obstruction to damage. (Wisegeek, 2010) Optical imaging Optical imaging is a more modern evolution touch-screen technology, it able to capture two or more image sensors which are placed around the border of the screen. An infrared back lights was install in the camera scene which are used to capture the images on the other side of the screen. Each of the touch will display as a shadow and the task for the camera is use to triangle and locates the touch or even step to the size of the touching object. Optical imaging is a technology which growing in prestige, because to its scalability, multifunction, and affordability, mostly for a buff units. (Wisegeek, 2010) Dispersive signal technology Dispersive signal technology was release in 2002 and introduced by 3M, this touch-screen is using the sensors to determine the mechanical energy on the screen that occurrence because to a touch. This technology is using intricacy algorithms to explanation the information offering the actual position of the touch. The most powerful feature for this technology is its wont compensation to be unaffected by dist or dust and any other external elements, such as scratches. This technology doesnt have any additional element adding on the screen but it also enable to provide a distinction optical clarity. Apart from that, the mechanical vibration is using to determine a touch happening, any device also able use to engender such happening, such as human body, finger and also stylus. The disadvantages for this technology are the system is unable to determine a stirless finger after the initial touch. (Wisegeek, 2010) Acoustic pulse recognition Acoustic pulse recognition was release in 2006 and introduced by Tyco Internationals Elo division, this technology was using piezoelectric sensors situated at several locations which are around the screens and use to convert the mechanical energy of a touch, also call as vibration into an electronic signal. This technology screen hardware is same like dispersive signal technology which are using algorithm to detect the actual position of the touch depend on the sensors signal. The generally material to made the touch-screen is glass, it will giving the touch-screen a good durability and optical clarity. Whatever the screen is full with scratches or dust, this technology also able to perform with a good accuracy. Besides that, this touch-screen technology is also good fit to demonstrates that are physical larger. A system which are installing with a dispersive signal technology, the system is unable to determine a stirless finger after the initial touch. But with the same reason above , identification is not interrupt by any remaining objects. (Wisegeek, 2010) Construction There are a lot of majors methods to develop a touch-screen. The mains purpose for the touch-screen is to detect one or more finger or stylus which are touching on a display screen and use to constructing the pragmatic sanction that are representative, also use to convey the pragmatic sanction to the suitable system. For the most popular touch-screen technology, which is capacitive and resistive approach, both of them are usually built by four layers; 1st layer The upper polyester layer spread with a transparent coherer conductive which is spread on the bottom of the layer. 2nd layer This layer is as a spacer which is built by adhesive. 3rd layer The main material for this layer is glass; we also call this layer as glass layer. Transparent coherer conductive is also spread on the top of the layer. 4th layer Another name for this layer is adhesive layer, it used on reverse side of the glass layer for the installation. When the touch-screen system detects a touch, the system will record all the changes that occur on electrical current which are work through the display or screen. One of the touch-screen technologies which are develop by 3M in 2002, dispersive-signal technology, this technology is focus on piezoelectric effect. This technology will generate the voltage during the mechanism force is exploit to a materials, a chemically situation will happen during a reinforce screen substrate is touches. There are two type of the infrared-based approaches touch-screen technology. One of them, it is using an array of sensor to determine the actual position where a human body, finger is touching or almost touching to the display or the screen, accordingly use to blocking the light beams projected cross over the display. Another infrared-based touch-screen technology is operate with a infrared cameras which is install on the bottom layer of the screen and use to record each of the touch which are happen on the display or screen. In each of the situation, the touch-screen system will detect each of the meaningful pragmatic sanctions depends on the operation which is display on the screen during the time and the actual position of the touch. (Ipod Touch Fans, 2010) Development Practically each of the distinguished touch-screen technology patents were submitted in the 1970s and 1980s and already expired. Touch-screen package manufacturing and goods programming is no more guarantee by royalties or legitimacy with concerning to patent and nowadays the manufacturing extensive applying touch-screen technology display on several types of devices. The evolvement of multitasking of touch-screen convenience is used to tracking touching by one or more than one human body, finger or stylus on the screen, therefore the touch-screen operations that need more than one finger are probability. Besides that, this touch-screen devices support more than one user to interaction with the touch-screen at the same times. Nowadays, there are a lot of products is apply with the high-tech and integrate touch-screen technology in the world. With the fast growing and acceptance by public, the inconsequential cost for the touch-screen technology is consuetude draw into the device that is included touch-screen technology and is potentially eliminated. As generally happen with any technology before, touch-screen technology include software and hardware have sufficiently ripped and was perfectly survive in the world over more than thirty years based on the point which is its reliability is certify. There is why, nowadays so many system or product are applied with touch-screen technology, such as Global Positioning System (GPS), airplanes, mobile phone, gaming console, ticketing system, machine control system, utensil, and each type of handheld devices. With the influence of the touch-screen technology, Apple Inc. has developed a mobile phone which is fulfilling with multi-touch technology and gives it a name as iPhone. By the releases of the iPhone, it had motivated the touch-screen mobile phone market and with the estimate it had bring in around US$5 billion in 2009. The capability of the touch-screen technology to preciseness location of the point on the screen itself is also advancement with the rising of graphics tablet or screen hybrids. (Wikipedia, 2010) Ergonomics and usage From the journal Prometheus Critical Studies in Innovation, 2007, which are publisher by Routldge, I founded there are many ergonomics and usage about touch-screen. As following: Finger Stress Touch-screen technology has an ergonomic trouble and become a stress on human fingers for them which are during a user employed more than a few minute at a time, from important overwhelming force can be needs for some types of touch-screen. As we know, nowadays touch-screen technology already as a craze technology and continues to growing, therefore the community is going through a lot more finger pressure. There have a lot of ways to emission this problem, such as some of the users will use a pen or some other devices to add exploit and more preciseness on the pointing. The exploitation of this kind device cans sometimes giving trouble, which are according to the required use. For example, public kiosks like ATM machine. Fine motor control is better realizing working with a stylus. That is because a human finger is a quite wide and careless pointing of connecting with the touch-screen itself. (Prometheus Critical Studies in Innovation, 2007) Fingernail as Stylus From a science novelette short story Scanners Live in Van which is written by Cordwainer Smith (Pen Linebarger) in 1950, it is mentioning about using fingernail as stylus for easier typing. The idea of using fingernail as a stylus pruned to from a point on the screen, to be particularly used as a stylus on writing screen for communication. These ergonomics problem of immediacy touching can be bypass by using a distinct skill, provided that the user fingernail are either short or long. Instead of touching by using soft skin of an extended fingernail, whatever the finger is curly but the top of the fingernail are able be used instead. From the underneath, the thumb finger is optional used as a supporter for the user finger or for the user who have long fingernails. This method is work on most touch-screen technology, but it didnt work on capacitive touch-screens. As we know, fingernails are hard, bending appearance contact the screen at a very small point. So, the finger just needs a much less for touching, even bigger accurateness is probable (propinquity that of a stylus, with a little bit of experience), not to mention skins oil will spread on the screen, the fingernail able to dumbly move over the touch-screen with only a very small hindrance, empower to writing text, selecting, drawing or moving windows. Fingernail is hardness and smoothness same like the top of a stylus that is because human fingernails contain of keratin and it wills not usually scratches or damage the touch-screen. In turn, it is available for a very short stylus top, which is able cunning correctly into end of the finger; this method will increasing the visibility of the appearance point on the touch-screen. (Prometheus Critical Studies in Innovation, 2007) Fingerprints Touch-screen able sustain from the issue of fingerprints on the appearance. This issue can be extenuate or prevent by using of staff with optical thins skin layout to mitigated the evident influence of fingers oils. For example, the oleophobic used to spreading in the iPhone 3GS, or by mitigated skin contact during using a finger nail or stylus. (Prometheus Critical Studies in Innovation, 2007) This is USB finger print which is using touch-screen technology. (Gabget Venue, 2009) Combined with Haptics Most users empirical with touch-screen which are dont have tactile feedback or tactual sensation can be a trouble depends on latencies or other method. Base on the research from University in Glasgow Scotland which are handle by Brewster, Chohan and Brown on 2007, the illustrate the specimen users deduct input error by 20%, increase data input speed by 20%, and minimize user acknowledge load by 40% during touch-screen are integrate with tactual sensation or tactual feedback. (Prometheus Critical Studies in Innovation, 2007) Gorilla Arm Base on the hacker slang dictionary, Jargon File, its define Gorilla Arm as the miscarriage to realize the ergonomics of perpendicular installed touch-screen for long time used. The advocate is that human body, arm held in a not supported standard location speedy turn into knackered and suffering, this call Gorilla Arm. It is usually citation as a surface evidence sample of what is not able to done in ergonomic. Perpendicular touch-screen still dictates in most system such as ATMs and data kiosks about the usage is also informality as an n ergonomics issue. Indisposed may be conformation by previously lousy position and shrivel of muscular system conformation by finite physics practice. Meticulous Art Printer is also a usually control the neck and shoulder painful depend on their position and the repeatability of their propulsion when they are painting. (Prometheus Critical Studies in Innovation, 2007) Touch Screen Mobile Phones Several years ago, everyone and their brother was talking about or playing with the Blackberry. It did not matter which make or model but people were simply intrigued by the features that Blackberry offered with its scrolling wheel, full qwerty keyboard, wide variety of applications available from the Handango store on the phone. However through the natural process of evolution, the world has become blessed with a new kind of phone, a phone which truly changes the world of mobile phones, we are blessed with the touch screen mobile phone. Originally the iPhone was the one and only phone out on the market which allowed users to use the power of their finger to control every aspect of the phone, rather than being imprisoned by a track wheel, or the newer more improved track ball. After the iPhone was originally released newer versions of the iPhone have come out in the 3G as well as the soon to come in the 3G S. These days however Apple is not the only company manufacturing these touch screen mobile phones, blackberry as well as several other notable phone companies have followed suit. If you asked a group of ten people which touch screen phone is the best, it is expected for the person to say the iPhone , unless of course they hold some sort of grudge against the phone due to the fact that is is currently only available on ATT. Regardless of your choice for the best touch screen phone on the market, you must always weight the pros and cons of each before you make a decision to buy or not to buy. Pros Simple to use, if you want to use it, touch it, and do the same if you are interested in closing it. Visually pleasing to look at. You never have to see the full keyboard that you are typing on, rather you are able to type onto the phone when you want to, in both upright and landscape modes. These days everyone and their brother is holding onto an iPhone the same way they used to hold onto Blackberries. The verdict? People arent using them for no reason, they are fun to use, and draw a certain amount of attention to the user. Cons The glass screen has the possibility of breaking even upon the slightest impact from a high distance. Odds are that if you are a person who is constantly dropping his or her phone, you should stay away from these touch screen phones, most of which do not offer insurance. The built in digital keyboard can be hard to get adjusted to especially if you are not used to typing on any sort of QWERTY keyboard. This is a quick fix for most, but it is something to think about if you are not comfortable with hitting imaginary buttons. Finally, these phones tend to be a bit more expensive than the other phones in their bracket, but the old adage stands true, you get what you pay for, and its recommended that you try one of the touch screen mobile phones out. At the end of the day, everyone has their own idea of a best phone, or the best phone carrier. However the one thing that everyone can agree on is the fact that these touch screen mobile phones are truly revolutionary and within the next five years we will not have any such phone that is not a touch screen. If you have been hesitant to make the jump so far, it is recommended that you head to your local phone retailer, and at least play around with these touch screen devices. Odds are, you will be pretty surprised with the results. Advantages and Disadvantages of touch Screen From the journal and the internet resource that I read, I founded some advantage and disadvantage of using touch-screen. The disadvantage for touch-screen device is it required a really big screen to avoid mistake when touching with human finger. Besides that, larger screen will bring low battery life effect. Normally touch-screen devices dont have any extra keys, such as iPhone. Therefore, when the application collapse but without collapse the OS, so user cant reach main menu when the screen is no response. Apart from that, touch-screen normally has lousy preciseness, QWERTY keyboards had known as an extra device. Most of the user-interface for touch-screen device is no optimization for thumb control, so user require and other device like stylus to control the application. User usually using their finger o touching the screen to control the touch-screen application, so this will make the screen get dirty and need to clean it up in certain time to prevent loss control. Lastly, touch-screen device require complex application to support, so it will slow down the response time and gain low battery life. The advantage for touch-screen is it has a large screen which giving a good view for web browsing, picture or movies. Apart from that, typically touch-screen application has a simple user-interface which is more intuitive. This will gain user easy understanding when using the touch-screen device. iPhone mobile which are develop by Mac Ins. Is a good example to represent simple user-interface. Lastly, each of the touch-screen devices has some button is able to smash down after using a few months or years. (John Popes, 2010) Conclusion Touch-screens have been around since the 60s. But it had just recently started to gain popularity and consumer markets. Nowadays, its pretty normal for most electronic devices, for example computer systems or entertainment systems to include a monitor. Users can interact it by using a mouse or keyboard to send input but with the implementation of this technology into these applications, it allows users to manipulate the systems through touching the monitor itself. Though the touch-screen technology contains some limitations, such as low precision when users use finger or the user must be within arms reach of the display, its user friendly, accurate, and easy to operate. With the implementation of touch-screens technology in different applications such as in the medical or military system, it will enhance the human machine interface experience. As the accuracy and intuitiveness of the screen increases, they will become even more common than they already are for the ease of use they provided. Proper development of this technology will surely bring a lot more benefits to users in near future. The touch-screen technology is keys to achieving and realizing e-navigation.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Life Of Li Cunxin Drama Essay

Li Cunxin, is one of the best male concert dance terpsichoreans in the universe. He has shown great bravery, aspiration and finding throughout his full life. He excelled in the gruelling concert dance preparation at the Beijing Dance Academy, made his manner to be one of the Prime Minister terpsichoreans with the Houston Ballet for 16 old ages before traveling on to another calling as a stockbroker and today, he resides in Australia while going around the universe as a motivational talker. Li was born into a really hapless household in 1961 in Qingdao in China which was so a communist state led by Mao. He lived in a really little town with 20 of his relations. His household struggled to remain alive, populating close to starvation daily, but because of the household ‘s love for each other and their finding to populate, they try really difficult to last each twenty-four hours. Li ‘s childhood is filled with love and fondness from his household. It was ever in Li ‘s head that he wanted to be able to make something to assist his household. He knew that concert dance would be his household ‘s best chance to get away the acrimonious poorness in his rural place in China. Sure plenty, he was chosen to go a ballet terpsichorean. Li so began his journey in going one of the best terpsichoreans in the universe. His household is ever at that place to back up him on every determination he made, giving him full support, love and encouragement. At the age of 11, Li began his preparation at the Beijing Dance Academy from 5:30 am to 9 autopsy for 6 yearss a hebdomad. No affair how much he suffered during the preparation, he ne'er Tee 2 idea of giving up. He realised that dance is his passion and it motivated him to give his 100 % attempt in dancing. Li would wake up at 5 in the forenoon when everyone is still kiping and skip up and down the steps to construct the strength of his leg every bit good as his staying power. At dark he would pattern his bends by the candle flame. Equally much as he wanted to populate a better life, he had ne'er forgotten about his household that he left behind. Li ‘s finding has steered him onto the way of success that helped him interrupt free from his Communist fatherland. After 7 old ages of rough preparation at the Beijing Dance Academy, Li had become a ego disciplined and a pupil with great finding. He received a aureate chance to analyze dance in America through a student exchange plan under Mao ‘s government. He was subsequently offered a contract as a soloist with the Houston Ballet and danced for the company for 16 old ages. He was regarded as one of the best terpsichoreans in the universe. In three international concert dance competitions, he won silver and a bronze decoration at three international concert dance competitions and he performed with some of the best concert dance companies in the universe. Here are some quotation marks and rules that Li stands house on which have led to his success in dance. â€Å" Dance is the ultimate combination of subject and freedom. Discipline is the foundation to go wholly free and originative. If you ‘re free without a foundation so you could travel off the tracks. † His ego finding, dedication and the willingness to work hard and ever act positively to accomplish his end is his attack to success and to dance. In the official site of Li Cunxin, here are the testimonies that document his influence on the development of dance. Harmonizing to Australian Friendly Societies Association ( AFSA ) , â€Å" Without a uncertainty one of the most powerful and invigorating presentations I have seen † . The AFSA are highly impressed by Li ‘s impact, manner, personable nature and overall attitude. What makes me believe that Li is impressive is in the sense of his manner and Tee 3 motion in dance which are strong and defined which is beyond ethereal with his emotional conveyance. His dances are one of the dances that are difficult to bury. I believe that his attack to dance is one of committedness and focal point. From his attitude and behavior, it can actuate us as terpsichoreans to maintain in head that we can make it every bit long as we stay determined. Li ‘s movie, Mao ‘s Last Dancer, is an astonishing true narrative based on the extraordinary tract he had to travel through to go a celebrated terpsichorean. Li ‘s success is non merely as a terpsichorean, he succeeded in illuming for the true human ideal. The movie Mao ‘s last terpsichorean explores the battle for two freedoms: personal pick and artistic look. On the surface, this true narrative concerns the battle between the eastern and western political orientations. While some people view his picks as heroic, others see him as a treasonist to his fatherland. In my point of position, Li left his household behind in Beijing to U.S and began to non merely see the universe for the first clip, but besides found his passion in dance. Traveling even deeper, viewing audiences will see his battle for originative freedom – the ability to state, make, and dance what he feels as an creative person. This is how he has made an influence in dance. I believe that it is true ; he gives every terpsichorean mental motive and hope to accomplish a end by reminding us non to blow every individual minute of our dancing journey. Other than that, Li likes to take on challenges. He requested to come in the America International Ballet Competition in Jackson, Mississippi, the equivalent of the Olympics for concert dance terpsichoreans and he achieved a Ag decoration. â€Å" I wanted to acquire a sense of how my dance stood up to international criterions. † ( Li, 292 ) . Li ever had a positive attitude towards dance. He had to invariably face and get the better of his diffidence and insecurities ; even when he was locked up in the Chinese Consulate in Houston for 21 hours, which is one of the most celebrated and controversial desertion in the U.S history. The FBI and besides the so Vice Tee 4 president George W.Bush was called in ensuing in a tenseness with the Chinese Consulate. The universe waited for 21 hours to see what destiny has for Li. Li walked out after 21 hours into the streets of Texas and ne'er looked back of all time since. These are what people admire about him the most. We have to happen our ain way in dance ; our ain manner by dancing from our bosom and psyche. Presents, the difficult work and dedication towards dance that Li has are seldom seen. We can truly see that Li ‘s narrative is a true fairy tale about a male child who had a dream to go the best concert dance terpsichorean in the universe. His position on dance preparation is one of finding and difficult work because it provided a way for him to interrupt free of communist China and take him around the universe as a professional terpsichorean. To turn out the cogency of the narrative above, here are the significant groundss on his personal ideas about his life in China. When Li was in America, he told himself that he was â€Å" the fish and China is the pool. † From this metaphor we can see how Li felt approximately China as a fish can non be anyplace else other than its pool so like the fish, Li thought he would non be able to populate out of China. From what we can see from his life experience, the attack that Li took towards dance is full of finding, bravery, subject and the passion to be one of the best terpsichoreans in the universe. His sheer subject and the demand for him to raise his household out of poorness drove him to accomplish beyond his bound. Work Cited Elias, Debbie Lynn. â€Å" Mao ‘s Last Dancer. † 20 August 2010. Tonight at the Movies. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // ? p=3097 & gt ; . FAQs, Career. â€Å" Li Cunxin – Dancer, Stockbroker and Author of Mao ‘s Last Dancer. † 2010. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . â€Å" Determination and Defection. † 2010. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Li, Cunxin. â€Å" Mao ‘s Last Dancer. † Offical Site of Li Cunxin. N.p. , 2005. Web. 23 Aug 2010. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Li, Cunxin. Mao ‘s Last Dancer. Australia: Sheena Dewan, 2003.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Wake Forest University President Nathan O’Hatch Essay

Wake Forest University President Nathan O’Hatch hinted that the success of the University has come straight from the pupils that inhabit the establishment. along with the campus atmosphere created by them. He confirms that the university strives to obtain a vibrant and tickle pinking community that moves toward success through instruction and character development. I believe that Wake Forest University is seeking for pupils who will go forth a positive impact on the constitution while holding a strong concentration on their ends. I believe that my rational growing and experiences. spiritual background. and morally driven values and features will lend greatly to the enlargement of the Wake Forest community. Lou Holtz one time quoted. â€Å"Ability is what you’re capable of making. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how good you do it. † This inspirational committedness to dispute your head to achieve success each and every twenty-four hours measures the accomplishments that a individual will accomplish throughout their life. Throughout my high school calling. I have experienced many educational chances and held many leading functions that were critical to determining my hereafter. A person’s ability. motive. and attitude are imperative features that define their motivations throughout all of their enterprises. I have found it really of import for one to environ oneself with positive influences. along with a diverse group of people in order to spread out and turn as an person. If one converses with the same community each twenty-four hours. they will ne'er dispute themselves in their cognition. and in bend become less intellectually rounded. I strive to be an active pupil in my school who engulfs many thoughts and is all-around in the facet of instruction and extra-curricular activities in order to go forth a positive impact on my equals for the improvement of my hereafter. and theirs. At the beginning of high school. I embarked in a plan that has impacted my life in many ways. I have been molded into a confident leader who strives to do a positive impact at my high school. and on my community. due to my adviser and my personal committedness. This organisation was Student Council. In the 9th and 10th class. I was elected Secretary and so Vice President of my category. I so was nominated and selected to function as the 2nd frailty president of the full pupil organic structure. which finally set me up to be the Student Body President my senior twelvemonth. I have grown into a individual through experiences that have come along as a consequence of my being an active portion of the Student Council. My organisational accomplishments have proved effectual as I have planned and implemented many thoughts throughout my high school calling in Student Council. I have actively planned three Homecoming skits and dances. four spring dances. three Powder-puff games. two contrivance ball tourneies. three Mr. Cardinal Cabarrus Pageants. two volleyball tourneies. and many more events as a head leader in leading category and Student Council at my school. During my last two old ages as the Student Body 2nd Vice President and Student Body President. I have actively led the council in a way that has non been travelled earlier as we have embarked on a community service undertaking and active engagement throughout the community. As the 2nd frailty president of my council. we successfully raised $ 19. 000 for Juvenile Diabetes through fundraisers including a contrivance ball tourney. a spring dance. and many other little undertakings. We have set ourselves a challenge of transcending this end as a school this twelvemonth. I have organized the council to take part in the Particular Olympic Games at the Cabarrus Arena for the past three old ages to back up and promote these astonishing jocks. I strive to take the council and my school with a positive force that places a strong accent on community service and school improvement undertakings. Student Council has allowed me to work with the disposal and high degree functionaries in the community. edifice assurance in myself along with fostering my societal accomplishments. On legion occasions. I have submitted proposals to the principal and school board to implement events. and I have had to professionally stand as the pupil body’s voice as I discuss these issues with functionaries of our community. Although defeated after the Renaissance breakfast was rejected. I responded with enthusiasm to get down the following undertaking of Darfur Awareness Week. a cause for which I am really passionate. I have actively taken a function in the Beta Club. Mu Alpha Theta Math Club. National Honors Society. and Junior Civitan Club. as I hope to make everything in my power to go forth a bequest at Central Cabarrus High School. I strive to go forth the school in a better topographic point than I found the booming constitution. On an educational footing. I have enlisted in legion advanced arrangement and awards classs to foster my rational ability throughout my in-between school and high school calling. Currently. I am disputing myself to finish two strict classs dwelling of AP English IV along with AP Government merely in this semester. These two categories are the most demanding at our school. and I am one of merely 10 persons of each category who dared to face these two challenging classs in the same semester. I admire each person in these categories and larn new thoughts and beliefs by environing myself with these astonishing and bright pupils. In my AP English category. I have been exposed to many doctrines. and many signifiers of literature. including Shakespearian sonnets and dramas. which I would hold antecedently ne'er studied. In AP Government. I have watched and analyzed the differing positions of Democrats. Libertarians. and Republicans as we analyze the modern fundamental law and judicial system. I have set a high end of myself to accomplish success in each category with a wide cognition of information from each lesson. If I keep a strong focal point on my ability. motive. and attitude. I will go on wining in each of these categories. I believe Wake Forest University President indicates the success of the University comes straight from the character development and diverseness which is learned from environing oneself with persons of rational and diverse backgrounds. and this is something that I have learned to encompass. Along with disputing me each twenty-four hours to intellectually turn from my experiences and instruction. the importance of Christianity has impacted and shaped my life in many countries. I was blessed to hold the chance to go to a Christian school until the age of 13. which assisted in modeling me into a compassionate. honest. and respectable person. I received a all-around instruction that allowed me to apportion a strong moral background and foundation for my life. I learned the importance of maintaining a respectable repute. giving back to the community. and go oning to pattern unimportance before God. I have been a Christian for every bit long as I can remember and hold grown as an person due to this committedness. I have challenged myself to distributing the many approvals of God and representing a positive Christian attitude in my every twenty-four hours encounters. I have portrayed an active function throughout the community and have an aspiration of doing a difference in every bit many lives as possible. As the Student Body President. a member of leading category. and the Varsity Cheerleading Captain. I have had the chance to accomplish my aspiration already in my adolescent old ages. I am really active in Race for the Cure. Walk for Juvenile Diabetes. Particular Olympics. Join the World of Winners. and Darfur Relief attempts. It is highly critical to take part in volunteer community service undertakings for the good of your community. I have served as a voluntary Particular Olympics Cheerleading manager for a gym in my country. As I have surrounded myself with these kids on a hebdomadal footing. I have learned the importance of dedication. open-mindedness. forbearance. optimism. and compassion. They have challenged me to populate up to their criterion. which in return has played a immense function in the footing of my character. The nazarene one time quoted. â€Å"It is more blest to given than to receive† ( Acts 20:35 ) . With this poetry in head. a individual can turn to see the importance of giving and. in return. having the satisfaction of impacting a person’s life. As an eight twelvemonth old. I was one of five misss to raise $ 10. 000 for the Masonic Home for Children in Henderson. North Carolina. This astonishing experience left me passionate about assisting others at an early age after seeing the impact that I had left on the lives of those kids after we delivered the cheque. As I have visited legion nursing places and kids infirmaries throughout my life-time and straight met victims of the current Darfur race murder. I have learned the impact that an person can go forth on another individual necessitating support. With Wake Forest constructing their foundation upon a Baptist. Christian doctrine. my desire to make out and assist those in demand along with representing Christian character shows my willingness to go on to construct upon the Wake Forest Community. Due greatly to my educational growing and spiritual background. I have developed many features that will greatly profit me throughout my life. After being selected as the Student Body President. I have had the privilege to take Student Council and the Student Body in all of our enterprises. I have learned so many of import qualities such as the importance of teamwork. dependability. dedication. and the ability to actuate a group of persons throughout the leading roles that I have held oover my high school calling. My leading adviser has inspired me to turn as a individual and spread out my leading qualities into going the most successful leader that I can go. Over the last three old ages. I have become closer and closer to one of my end: Endeavoring to obtain success through maintaining a positive attitude and taking a life of solid moral character. With each of the nines and activities that I have been active in. I have learned duty and committedness is the cardinal to triumph. After my 2nd twenty-four hours of AP English. I was asked to declaim a address refering the subject â€Å"Who I am. Who I am not† . I was really nervous and exhausted much clip fixing for what turned out to be an inspirational address of what I strive to achieve each and every twenty-four hours. After finishing the address. my English instructor asked me to give this address to her Varsity Volleyball squad. I was so esteemed and dying. and before their large game I recited the address to them. This meant an huge trade to me. and I was really thankful to make my best to animate this astonishing squad. Through my English teacher’s encouragement. and my Leadership advisor’s inspiration. I have become a more relaxed and comfy public talker along with constructing a strong leading character to follow with me throughout my life. I am a individual who strives to construct upon my leading qualities for the improvement of myself along with maintaining an unfastened head to all thoughts of persons as I build on my values and features. Wake Forest University seeks to â€Å"wed cognition with experience† merely as a leader must make each and every twenty-four hours. â€Å"Two roads diverged in the wood and I took the 1 less traveled by. and that has made all of the difference. † Throughout an individual’s life they encounter many waies and determinations that define them as a individual. They must sometimes take the best way for their life in fixing for their future aspirations. As a individual of high motive. I ever choose to dispute myself with high ends and new challenges. Sadly. in today’s modern universe it seems that the route less travelled is the right route ; the route where. alternatively of walking entirely through life ne'er taking notice of others. a individual stops along the manner to make out a manus to assist those who are left by the roadside. This is the way which I have chosen to take for myself. I use all of my life experiences to construct upon my life and accomplish all ends that I strive to carry through. I believe that with a diverse instruction. strong spiritual background. and character inspiration to going a great leader. I will greatly lend to the Wake Forest community. Nathan O’Hatch’s congratulations to the beautiful campus and community of Wake Forest illustrates the purpose of go oning to construct upon one of the greatest universities in the state. I strive to be a alone person with high ends to go forth an impact on the universe. I am ready to run into the challenge of go oning to spread out Wake Forest University through instruction and experience.